Catholic Show Exposes Rockefeller Assault on Church, Life
Written by Alex Newman
An online Catholic TV show dubbed the Catholic Investigative Agency (CIA) dedicated a recent episode to exposing the Rockefeller Foundation’s ties to eugenics groups, population-control advocates, efforts at global governance, pro-abortion activities, and other highly controversial subjects.
The program, run by Catholic media personality Michael Voris, also highlights the Rockefeller dynasty’s assault against the church — one of the primary opponents of Rockefeller-backed schemes. From the Foundation’s efforts to “purify” humanity by manipulating the gene pool to population-control campaigns aimed at reducing the number of people on Earth, the Rockefellers’ agenda has been consistently at odds with church teachings.
The thesis of the CIA episode is presented early on. “The Rockefeller Foundation is actively undermining the Catholic Church and in the process attempting to erase man’s natural orientation to the eternal,” the show explains. Indeed, after watching the program, that fact becomes obvious.
Among the most important topics covered in the short episode are the methods used by the Rockefeller Foundation and its affiliates to neutralize opposition from Catholic universities. Starting in the early 1960s with the University of Notre Dame and its president, Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, the Rockefeller family essentially used its vast fortune to buy the compliance of Catholic higher education. The efforts were extremely successful.
“Once Notre Dame — the leading Catholic university in the nation — sold out, practically every other Catholic university followed suit,” explains Voris, who graduated from Notre Dame in 1983. He blasts the cooperation between the Rockefeller Foundation and Catholic institutions as “part of a self-absorbed trading of souls for foundation funding.”
“With population control money pouring into the coffers of Catholic universities…
Read more at Catholic Show Exposes Rockefeller Assault on Church, Life.