Zionist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of White European ethnic societies

Zionist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of White European ethnic societies – YouTube.

What a bizarre attitude – so much arrogance, disrespect and hypocrisy. Better to go to Israel and teach multiculturalism, acceptance, non-judgment, forgiveness, tolerance, kindness, compassion, and humbleness THERE. Ethnocentricity is the most destructive notion in today’s world – it is stone age thinking. Correct the sleezy teaching that “brother” and “neighbor” apply only to one’s own tribe – for they apply to the entire human race. Delete the labels “chosen” and “goy”. Extend a huge, sincere apology to the people that have been harmed, all over the world. Those three things would go a long way to correcting the ills on planet Earth.

2 thoughts on “Zionist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of White European ethnic societies”


    Thanks for the nice post. The Judaists are behind the alien invasion. For example, a Jewish woman, Barbara Lerner Spectre in Sweden who wants 3rd world aliens to invade her.

    Inciting 3rd world aliens to invade Sweden, where they will rape her and her daughters is insane. In fact, most 3rd world brown people want to come to white countries for that reason alone—to attack white women, especially those who lick their feet, like Barbara.

    So why is Barbara so mentally deranged? Why is she so evil and trying to destroy her own race and country and incite 3rd world alien invasion which includes her potential rapists?

    Here we analyze her background that led to her bizarre statements.

    Hatred for mankind, culture, their own white race and other antisocial and criminal traits (including incest) are rampant among the Judaists. This is because they are taught from childhood the Torah (Old Testament) and Talmud by their parents and rabbis, which books state that they are “Jews”, descendents of Middle Eastern/African Torah patriarchs like Abraham (who was a pimp and sold his own wife Sarai as a prostitute to an African pharaoh). They worship Moshe, (anglicized to Moses) as their prophet.

    Their Torah is replete with violence and barbarity. Yahweh and Moshe are mass murderers. The Talmud teaches them they can therefore lie, cheat, exploit and even kill the goyim with impunity. See:


    Judaists also want to destroy white Christian nations like USA because they hate Jesus, and believe Mary was a whore and Jesus is in boiling excrement in hell. (See online: Talmud Unmasked). They believe they were persecuted often (eg. Exiled in Egypt and “holocausted” in Germany, etc.), so they must destroy society’s cohesiveness and culture to maintain control by using the divide and conquer strategy, such as by promoting the alien invasion, multiculturalism and race baiting.

    The Judaists beliefs about their identity, history and persecution are derived primarily from the Torah. These beliefs are mostly delusions because the Torah (Old Testament) is fiction, a pure myth. This is obvious from Book 1, Page 1. Only an imbecile would take such an obvious piece of fiction literally.

    In fact, most Judaists are European Whites whose ancestors converted to Judaism in the middle ages. See Arthur Koestler, 13th tribe; also Dr. Schlomo Sand’s award-winning book reviewed on:

    Also see: http://www.khazaria.com

    Also see: The Fallacy of Biological Judaism, By Robert Pollack, on:



    Their Torah (OT) is a “forgery” (See: McCabe) and “spurious” (–Thomas Paine). That is obvious from book 1, page 1. The Earth is not 6000 years old. Cultures (unknown to the scribes) flourished much before. Written records and archeological evidence using carbon dating show man’s presence tens of thousands of years ago, probably over a 100,000 years ago. A million people cannot live in a vast desert (without water or food) in a hostile nation for 40 years—and leave no trace.

    Moshe (an Egyptian, therefore African and Negro) never existed. His story is copied from the older African myth of Mises. Exile and Exodus never happened. For eg., as stated in “Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho” (by Prof. Ze’ev Herzog of the Dept. of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University):

    “This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel….”



    The Negro Moshe could not have parted the Red Sea, not only because it violates the laws of physics, and there was no Moses, but because there was no Red Sea to cross, since Egypt and Israel have a common land border!

    The scribes who fabricated the Torah (OT) were negro barbarian criminals or “human animals” (–Hitchens) who lied about God and then made up self-serving lies that they are “God’s Chosen.”


    Most Jewish women, just like the mythical Sarah, are sluts and whores. Why? Firstly, they grow up worshipping Sarah, the mythical negro whore who was sold as a prostitute by her husband/pimp brother Abraham. They thus believe that prostitution and incest are acceptable and even noble.

    Shortly after birth, the men are raped by rabbis in a barbaric ritual called b’peh. The girls then continue to be raped by the Rabbis and/or their male family members over and over while the Rabbis train them to become like Sarah, the prostitute. See the book:

    “Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust. Bloomington IN” by Dr. Charlotte Rolnick Schwab, Ph. D. , a Jewish lady who was married to a Rabbi and found out about his sexual rampage one day.

    See: http://www.drcharlotteschwab.com/book.html

    Their Talmud says that attacking a young girl is just a finger in the eye.

    Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry, at:


    Most Jewish men are sexual predators, and rape their female relatives, and instead of feeling remorse, they feel they are merely following in the foot steps of their black pimp Avram, whom they worship as an ancestor and a “prophet.”

    See: Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret at:


    Though most women of clergy sexual assault leave that religion, Jewish women are unique in that they continue to remain in this criminal cult of rapists that raped them. They act out their sexual assault in various ways, such as becoming promiscuous and rapistophiliacs by loving and defending rapists, a defense mechanism called “identification with the aggressor”. As a result, Jewish women are the most promiscuous women in the world, as reported in their own Jewish media. See:


    In summary, by relying on the insane rantings (Torah) of a gang of mentally deranged black criminals, Judaists themselves become mentally deranged as evinced by their hatred of mankind, low morals, rampant criminality, narcissistic delusions, pedophilia, incest, negrophilia, alienism and hatred of whites, (i.e. their own race) and prostitution. Brainwashed and raped all their lives, Jewish women become whores and sluts, just like the whore Sarah who was sold to a Negro pharaoh, and turn to negrophilia, rapistophilia (loving rapists) and other barbaric behavior.

    Now you know why Barbara loves 3rd world rapists and murderers so much, she wants more of them to come to her.


    Thanks for the nice post and exposing this lunatic Barbara.

    Inciting 3rd world aliens to invade Sweden, where they will rape her and her daughters is insane.So why is she so deranged? Why is she so evil and trying to destroy her own race and country?

    Here we analyze her background that led to her bizarre statements.

    Hatred for mankind, culture, their own white race and other antisocial and criminal traits (including incest) are rampant among the Judaists. This is because they are taught from childhood the Torah (Old Testament) and Talmud by their parents and rabbis, which books state that they are “Jews”, descendents of Middle Eastern/African Torah patriarchs like Abraham (who was a pimp and sold his own wife Sarai as a prostitute to an African pharaoh). They worship Moshe, (anglicized to Moses) as their prophet.

    Their Torah is replete with violence and barbarity. Yahweh and Moshe are mass murderers. The Talmud teaches them they can therefore lie, cheat, exploit and even kill the goyim with impunity. See:


    Judaists also want to destroy white Christian nations like USA because they hate Jesus, and believe Mary was a whore and Jesus is in boiling excrement in hell. (See online: Talmud Unmasked). They believe they were persecuted often (eg. Exiled in Egypt and in Germany, etc.), so they must destroy society’s cohesiveness and culture to maintain control by using the divide and conquer strategy, such as by promoting the alien invasion, multiculturalism and race baiting.

    The Judaists beliefs about their identity, history and persecution are derived primarily from the Torah. These beliefs are mostly delusions because the Torah (Old Testament) is fiction, a pure myth. This is obvious from Book 1, Page 1. Only an imbecile would take such an obvious piece of fiction literally.

    In fact, most Judaists are European Whites whose ancestors converted to Judaism in the middle ages. See Arthur Koestler, 13th tribe; also Dr. Schlomo Sand’s award-winning book reviewed on:

    Also see: http://www.khazaria.com

    Also see: The Fallacy of Biological Judaism, By Robert Pollack, on:



    Their Torah (OT) is a “forgery” (See: McCabe) and “spurious” (–Thomas Paine). That is obvious from book 1, page 1. The Earth is not 6000 years old. Cultures (unknown to the scribes) flourished much before. Written records and archeological evidence using carbon dating show man’s presence tens of thousands of years ago, probably over a 100,000 years ago. A million people cannot live in a vast desert (without water or food) in a hostile nation for 40 years—and leave no trace.

    Moshe (an Egyptian, therefore African and Negro) never existed. His story is copied from the older African myth of Mises. Exile and Exodus never happened. For eg., as stated in “Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho” (by Prof. Ze’ev Herzog of the Dept. of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University):

    “This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel….”



    The Negro Moshe could not have parted the Red Sea, not only because it violates the laws of physics, and there was no Moses, but because there was no Red Sea to cross, since Egypt and Israel have a common land border!

    The scribes who fabricated the Torah (OT) were negro barbarian criminals or “human animals” (–Hitchens) who lied about God and then made up self-serving lies that they are “God’s Chosen.”


    Most Jewish women, just like the mythical Sarah, are sluts and whores. Why? Firstly, they grow up worshipping Sarah, the mythical negro whore who was sold by Abraham. They thus believe that prostitution is acceptable and even noble.

    Shortly after birth, the men are raped by rabbis in a barbaric ritual called b’peh. The girls then continue to be raped by the Rabbis and/or their male family members over and over while the Rabbis train them to become like Sarah, the prostitute. See the book:

    “Sex, Lies, and Rabbis: Breaking a Sacred Trust. Bloomington IN” by Dr. Charlotte Rolnick Schwab, Ph. D. , a Jewish lady who was married to a Rabbi and found out about his sexual rampage one day.

    See: http://www.drcharlotteschwab.com/book.html

    Their Talmud says that attacking a young girl is just a finger in the eye.

    Talmud: Wellspring of Jewish Pornography Industry, at:


    Most Jewish men are sexual predators, and rape their female relatives, and instead of feeling remorse, they feel they are merely following in the foot steps of their black pimp Avram, whom they worship as a “prophet.”

    Pedophilia: The Talmud’s Dirty Secret at:


    Though most women of priestly sexual assault leave that religion, Jewish women are unique in that they continue to remain in this criminal cult that raped them, and accept their lives as raped whores. They act out their sexual assault in various ways, such as becoming promiscuous and rapistophiliacs by loving their rapists. As a result, Jewish women are the most promiscuous women in the world, as reported in their own Jewish media. See:


    In summary, by relying on the insane rantings (Torah) of a gang of mentally deranged black criminals, Judaists themselves become mentally deranged as evinced by their hatred of mankind, low morals, rampant criminality, narcissistic delusions, pedophilia, incest, negrophilia, alienism and hatred of whites, (i.e. their own race) and prostitution. Brainwashed and raped all their lives, Jewish women become whores and sluts, just like the whore Sarah who was sold to a Negro pharaoh, and turn to negrophilia, rapistophilia and other barbarianism in order to pander their rapists.

    Now you know why Barbara wants these 3rd world rapists and murders.

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