Category Archives: Mind control

Planet-killing solar obscuration due to chemtrails

Destroying the planet… for fun? profit? power? genocide? to accommodate another species?

Scientists have been threatened and even murdered for trying to take the chemtrail subject public…

“When aluminum (chemtrails) and mercury (vaccines and metallic dental fillings) combine, the toxic effects are increased by 10,000%.”

High levels of aluminum, barium, strontium are always present in water and land tests. They’re now finding high levels of fluoride as well in tests in Europe.

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Their Modus Operandi

How do they control us now? They have their ways…

  • They control governments through candidate selection, media control, bribes, blackmail, threats, murder.
  • Vote fraud: “It matters not who casts the votes, what matters is who counts the votes.” ~ Josef Stalin
  • Their “public relations” firms help guide our thoughts in the direction the “elite” wants them to go. See
  • They own the media and control the news.
  • They control the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
  • They stir the hearts of the public to hatred against those they consider to be “enemies”.
  • They stage “false flag” events, attacking an “ally” under the flag of their “enemy”, hoping that their “ally” will attack their “enemy”, so they don’t have to spend the resources required for war and risk the lives of their own citizens.
  • Who gets to write the history of the ages? The victors do. History has been written to benefit the “elite” and to misinform the public. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” ~ George Santayaha in The Life of Reason
  • And much, much more…

How Edward Bernays hacked democracy

How do plutocrats manipulate us? With social psychologists. Eddie Bernays, self-declaread “father of public relations” was the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays loved to dream up schemes to substantially profit his clients, while making fools of the American people – to their detriment.

Democracy and freedom are the two shining lights of Western ideology but like any system it can be manipulated, subverted, compromised and broken. One hack of the democratic system is known as “the manufacture of consent”.

Dictatorships tend to use violence to keep people under control but in democracies that tactic isn’t always possible. Instead propaganda is used to tell people how they should think and, by extension, to influence what you do.

One of the key proponents of this use of propaganda was Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud and the man who coined the phrase “public relations”.

This video explains how the idea of manufacturing consent came to be part of the political process.

via How Edward Bernays hacked democracy – Truthloader – YouTube.

Eddie Bernays, scoundrel extraordinaire

scoundrel |ˈskoundrəl| | noun
a dishonest or unscrupulous person; a rogue

Eddie Bernays, scoundrel extraordinaire!

“Freeing” women to smoke to increase the profits of his tobacco company client was one of the more innocent of Bernays’ projects. He also helped to “manufacture public consent” for World War I and helped many corporations manipulate the public mind. You can tell how pleased he is with himself in this video. He wrote a book called Propaganda that Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels, praised for its value to the Nazi movement. The most skilled public relations firms make you think your purchasing or political choices are your own original ideas and logical conclusions, while their campaigns are carefully designed to appeal to your unconscious, irrational emotions.

Torches-031710 – YouTube.

The New Order of Barbarians – Medicine, money and much more

But hey! – there’s no conspiracy here, folks.

What we call “medical science” today is an industry driven by monetarist interests and “world controllers” that often rig the results to fulfill a depopulation agenda by the “money power.” I recommend everyone research how a certain Dr. Day, a Rockefeller staffer, revealed the intentions of the cabal in 1969. Here is one of many links:

On March 20th, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, recent Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, addressed an assembly of physicians in Pittsburgh, PA In a two hour presentation, he revealed the long-range plan for a NEW WORLD SYSTEM to prepare them for changes to come.

The New Slavery. About the power, the force and the group of men organising and redirecting radical changes for control and exploitation.

This is a transcript of the first of three tapes on the “New Order of Barbarians”, referred to on the tapes simply as the “new world system.” Tapes one and two, done in 1988, are the reminiscences By Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, of a speech given March 20, 1969 by Dr. Richard Day, an insider of the “Order”, whose credentials are given in an interview with Dr. Dunegan on tape three. The moderator in the final taped interview with Dr. Dunegan is Randy Eng

State Department Misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton

Monkey see, monkey do.

My goodness! $6 billion with a “B”? That’s just a little pocket money for the big boys – and big girls. But don’t you go trying to figure out where it went. 9-11 happened the day after Rumsfeld announced that $2.3 trillion with a “T” was missing at the Pentagon – and the bomb/plane utterly destroyed the area where auditors were trying to figure out where they money had gone. We don’t need another 9-11.

State Department Misplaced $6B Under Hillary Clinton – Liberty Crier.