Category Archives: Real history

A Guide To Street Gangs, Amnesty And Bankers

A Guide To Street Gangs, Amnesty And Bankers | Video Rebel’s Blog. Excerpt:

American Street Gangs are Big Business. They grew out of the Opium Trade which replaced the African Slave Trade as a source of income for the London Banks. In the old days Bankers like the Rothschilds would send $20 worth of rum and trinkets to the coast of Africa to buy a man who could be sold back in America for $2,000. That was a big markup. When the slave trade ended, the Bankers already had laid the groundwork for the Opium Trade. Because they owned the British government they were able to convince them to fight two Opium Wars (1839–1842 and 1856 – 1860.) The lesson the Chinese Emperors never learned was that if they had legalized Opium there would have been no invading armies.

In the modern world Bankers launder a trillion dollars a year in illegal drugs and weapons. Asia Times Magazine said the Banks also launder $500 billion a year in political bribes. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in 2007 did a study of international trade. They found that 147 corporations controlled 20% of trade. These 147 companies shared Board of Director members. These are the companies that are behind One World government. They include the Too Big To Jail Banks, the Oil Companies, Big Pharma, Insurance Giants and Monsanto. David Rothkopf was an associate of Henry Kissinger. He wrote Superclass in which he says the world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. These 30 Families own some of the more important companies on that list of 147 corporations. These Families and their Minions are in charge of the international drug trade.

The CIA flies drugs into the US by the plane load. They sell it to the Street Gangs in the Big Cities. They also sell guns to those gangs because there is not enough violence in the streets. The CIA works for the Bankers.

Please read more at the link, above.

Psychopaths and Power: Hand, meet Glove

Excerpt from:

Psychopaths and Power: Hand, meet Glove – pt 1: Civilisation and the Rise of the Psychopaths | Winter Patriot Community Blog. Read much, much more at the link. Fascinating!

This second disaster, the subject of this essay, was the rise of the psychopaths. Psychopaths are people without a conscience; without compassion for others; without a sense of shame or guilt. The majority of people carry within them the concern for others that evolution has instilled in us to allow us to survive as groups. This is the evolutionary basis of the quality of compassion. Compassion is not just a matter of virtue; it is a matter of survival. Psychopaths do not have this concern for others and so are a danger to the survival of the rest of us.

Psychopaths, as a homogeneous group, would not survive one or two generations by themselves. They are motivated only by self interest and would exploit each other till they ended up killing each other. Which gives one pause for thought! They are parasites and need the rest of us to survive. In doing so they compromise the survival of the whole species.

Psychopaths represent approximately between 1% and 20% of the population in western countries depending on whose research you go by and also depending on how broad a definition of the condition you adopt. It is generally held, though, that there is a hard core of between 4-6% or so and maybe another 10 -15% of the population that is functionally psychopathic in that they will exploit their fellow human being without hesitation.

The hard core are untreatable. They see nothing wrong with who or what they are. The other 10-15% group may be persuaded to act differently in a different environment or a different society. The second group act out of a misguided strategy of survival. I’ll concentrate on the hard core 5% and the singular fact that must be borne in mind with them is that they are incapable of change for the better. They cannot reform or be reformed. And you can take that to the bank in every case! They must never be trusted.

Documented liars like those that populate the current Kiev regime can be confidently assumed to be psychopaths from their behaviour and so will never negotiate in good faith and will always renege on any deals they make. The same can be said for the governments of the US and UK who back them. Historically, they have never made a treaty that they did not subsequently break.

Before settlement, when people lived in tribes, individual psychopaths were readily recognised and marginalised or exiled, if not ‘disappeared’. In a society where everybody knows everybody else…

Kerth Barker – Memoirs of an SRA Survivor by Kerth Barker


Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers – Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor is a stunning new book by Kerth Barker. It is guaranteed to open your eyes, to change your life – and to change the planet. See more about it at

This is a review on…

Horrible and fascinating . . . very well written. I believe it to be fact; if fiction, it is certainly convincing. It does seem to explain a lot of things I have read about or heard about; nothing surprising about human nature and how some people crave power so much, and attain it, and then act out their fantasies on other people, subordinating and enslaving them just because they have the power to do so. That is the nature of evil; having no compassion or empathy for the suffering or feelings of others; extreme self-centeredness and narcissism. Seeing others only as means to their own ends; in those peoples’ minds, you are either simply in their way or giving them what they want – not much else. Ultimately this was a tale of great suffering that led to redemption and understanding and if all true, I bow to the author for overcoming the most horrendous abuse and saving himself – i.e., saving his own soul. I salute him.

For me, lightbulbs are going on and dots are connecting. When you’ve read the book, I hope you will come back here and share your own impressions, insights, revelations, stories.

This book is a game-changer, folks. Only a tiny percentage of the population engages in pedophilia, child trafficking,and the torture of innocents – both physically and mentally. The vast majority of people are good, honest, decent, and the good people of planet Earth will no longer tolerate the mischief of their well-coiffed government and corporate “rulers” once they discover the form of worship they engage in.

Their “god” demands the drinking of children’s blood, the rape and murder of children, every form of cheat and deceit, arcane rituals in secret places and crimes against humanity. The fact that Satanists are in control of high places explains why the world does not seem to make sense any longer. Satanists feel obliged to turn everything that is good and beautiful and true into its opposite. We’ve got to take the planet back, folks.

Continue reading Kerth Barker – Memoirs of an SRA Survivor by Kerth Barker

Satanic Ritual Abuse, mind control, child trafficking in the USA

Kerth Barker’s book Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers – Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor explains why the elite are the way they are… why the world is in the state it is in… why nothing Washington does makes sense… why the police and military are in tatters… why Wall Street is in decay.

The story is that of a little boy who was raised in a wealthy St. Louis family. His powerful grandfather and his grandfather’s German NAZI mistress worked hard to make the boy a sex slave for pedophiles. The good news is, this boy was strong enough to break away. The bad news is, this story is not all that rare – and it is still going on today, all over the world, to millions of children.

Continue reading Satanic Ritual Abuse, mind control, child trafficking in the USA

“War is Good for Business”: Big Oil, Wall Street and the Pentagon’s “New Cold War” Against Russia

The Soviet Union no longer exists. The Russian Federation is not a socialist state. But the U.S. military and political establishment still seek to destroy Russia. That’s the object of the crisis the Pentagon, State Department and CIA are orchestrating in Ukraine.

What drives this seemingly irrational course of action?

The same thing that drove the George W. Bush regime to invade Iraq in 2003. The same thing that’s driving the violent anti-China rhetoric from the Pentagon and the White House: financial need and cold economic ­calculation.

Not the financial need of the hungry and homeless, of the millions who need jobs at living wages, of those who can’t pay their rent or mortgages or who must choose between heating and eating.

It’s the need of Wall Street bankers and corporate CEOs to pump up their profits, stock prices and rates of return on their invested capital amid a global economic slowdown caused by capitalist ­overproduction.

Read more at:  “War is Good for Business”: Big Oil, Wall Street and the Pentagon’s “New Cold War” Against Russia | Global Research.

Rockefeller Medicine

What you can do about the high cost and low efficacy of Rockefeller medicine is to begin a study into the care and feeding of the human body. Keep things simple, easy, fun and delicious. Eschew manufactured foods, for they “feed the need” for medicine and also profit Rockefeller medicine. We wish you the best of health and its twin – happiness.

As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as we explore the real history of modern healthcare and the real motivations behind the family that brought it to you.

via Rockefeller Medicine – YouTube.

I Am Fishead: Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?

It is a well-known fact that our society is structured like a pyramid. The very few people at the top create conditions for the majority below. Who are these people? Can we blame them for the problems our society faces today? Guided by the saying “A fish rots from the head” we set out to follow that fishy odor. What we found out is that people at the top are more likely to be psychopaths than the rest of us.

Who, or what, is a psychopath? Unlike Hollywood’s stereotypical image, they are not always blood-thirsty monsters from slasher movies. Actually, that nice lady who chatted you up on the subway this morning could be one. So could your elementary school teacher, your grinning boss, or even your loving boyfriend.

The medical definition is simple: A psychopath is a person who lacks empathy and conscience, the quality which guides us when we choose between good and evil, moral or not. Most of us are conditioned to do good things. Psychopaths are not. Their impact on society is staggering, yet altogether psychopaths barely make up one percent of the population.

Through interviews with renowned psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo, leading expert on psychopathy Professor Robert Hare, former President of Czech Republic and playwright Vaclav Havel, authors Gary Greenberg and Christopher Lane, professor Nicholas Christakis, among numerous other thinkers, we have delved into the world of psychopaths and heroes and revealed shocking implications for us and our society.

Watch the full documentary now

The people in this video believe that psychopaths are “born”, but a little bit of information leads me to believe that psychopaths are carefully made by other psychopaths who have been making children into psychopaths for millennia. They very deliberately disconnect children from their natural emotions and teach them to be ‘stoic’ or ‘cold’ in the face of their own and others’ abuse and death. I have heard their stories firsthand, read them described, seen them on television and heard them on the radio. The handlers of such children make certain that they take very high positions in corporations and government agencies. So it is more than they just gravitate to the top; they are put in positions of power. It only takes one at the top to turn the organization in a very destructive direction.

The Population Reduction Agenda For Us Dummies

population control

Please, tell me again why it’s so important to “control” the good people of the world?

…in early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control…
~ Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski

Excerpt from Prison » The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies:

There are still large numbers of people amongst the general public, in academia, and especially those who work for the corporate media, who are still in denial about the on-the-record stated agenda for global population reduction, as well as the consequences of this program that we already see unfolding.

We have compiled a compendium of evidence to prove that the elite have been obsessed with eugenics and its modern day incarnation, population control, for well over 100 years and that goal of global population reduction is still in full force to this day.

The World’s Elite Are Discussing Population Reduction

As was reported only last month by the London Times, a “secret billionaire club” meeting in early May which took place in New York and was attended by David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Bill Gates and others was focused around “how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population”.

~ Paul Joseph Watson,, June 26, 2009

Illuminati3: Satanic Possession: There is only one Conspiracy

makow illuminati3-cover

Henry Makow is the Jewish author of the game of Scruples. From the Introduction of his new brand new book, Illuminati3: Satanic Possession: There is only one Conspiracy

makow book ill3

What passes as spontaneous “social change” is in fact an organized process of satanic possession. This development is not an isolated or recent phenomenon. Western society is based on a rebellion against God and the natural and moral order. The so-called “Enlightenment” refers to Lucifer as the “light giver.” It was an assertion of the Illuminati’s determination to reject Reality — the Creator’s Design – and construct an artificial reality more conducive to their interests and perversions. This is what the Cabalist bankers mean by “remaking the world” or “changing the world.” There is no way to sugarcoat this. Satanist (Cabalist) Jews and Freemasons are waging a covert war against God and man and are close to achieving victory. Many Jews and Freemasons have been a subversive force throughout history – the real reason for anti Semitism. Of course, the majority of Jews (and Christians) aren’t aware of this process of satanic possession. We have all succumbed to it. Passing as “secularism” and “humanism,” Satanism is the secret religion of the West.