Category Archives: Treason

War = Profit

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

Politicians have been starting wars in behalf of their masters, the powerful elite families that profit from all aspects of war. History exposes this truth, and it must be exposed today as these practices are still ongoing.

The Rothschilds and the two world wars

Interview of Eustace Mullins by Jeff Rense, December 26, 2007

“The Rothschilds” “the controllers” “International Banking Cartels Financed the World Wars” “The Cause for World War I in 1914” “Propaganda Explanations” “Economic Rivalry between Great Britain and Germany” “Federal Reserve Act 1913” “Principle Job of a Central Bank is War Finance” “Woodrow Wilson” “Zionist International Banking Interests” “League of Nations” “Woodrow Wilson’s protegee Franklin Delano Roosevelt” Versailles “Bernard Baruch” “The Rise of Adolf Hitler” “Hitler was financed by the Jewish Zionist bankers Warburg and Oppenheimer” “General Patman” “Less than 5% of the German military men were members of Hitler’s National Socialist party” “The Dulles Brothers” “French African troups” “The German Zionist newspaper” “Zionist Adolf Eichmann was Hitler’s personal representative in the Middle East” “Rudolf Hess” “The Soviet Union was financed by the American government” Israel “Averell Harriman was complete dictator of Russia from 1942 to 1944 after Stalin’s breakdown” “Yalta Conference” “Eastern Europe given to Stalin” “Zionist plans for Europe in 1944” “Special Rothschild Cover Up Organization: Hoover Institution of War, Peace and Revolution” “Stanford University” “Condoleezza Rice” “Secretary of State” “The History of the Hoover Institution is in Eustace Mullins’ The World Order” “Ezra Pound’s Radio Speeches” “Alger Hiss” “Charles Lindbergh” “Hitler seized the property of the Rothschilds in Austria” “Hitler kind of got out of control” Holocaust “American fighter pilots” “Zyklon B” “Jewish Labour Camps” “Atomic Bombing of Japan” “Harry Truman” “Inside Job” “World Zionism sacrified the Jewish people to the horrors of the concentration camps” “the State of Israel” “Ten questions to the Zionists by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl” “Neturei Karta”