Predictive Programming – The power of suggestion

What is predictive programming? Alan Watt explains:

Hollywood is the magician’s wand (holly-holy) which has been used to cast a spell on the unsuspecting public.

Things or ideas which would otherwise be seen as bizarre, vulgar, undesirable or impossible are inserted into films in the realm of fantasy. When the viewer watches these films, his/her mind is left open to suggestion and the conditioning process begins.

These same movies which are designed to program the average person, can give the discerning viewer a better understanding of the workings and the plan of the world agenda. “Be aware.”

Predictive Programming – The power of suggestion using the media of fiction to create a desired outcome.

The Aquarian Conspiracy

And what is the current ISIS wreaking havoc over the Middle East? Why would a Muslim group use the name of a pagan goddess?

The British had a precedent for the counterculture they imposed upon the United States: the pagan cult ceremonies of the decadent Egyptian and Roman Empires. The following description of cult ceremonies dating back to the Egyptian Isis priesthood of the third millennium BC could just as well be a journalistic account of a "hippy be-in" circa AD 1969: “The acts or gestures that accompany the incantations constitute the rite [of Isis]. In these dances, the beating of drums and the rhythm of music and repetitive movements were helped by hallucinatory substances like hashish or mescal; these were consumed as adjuvants to create the trance and the hallucinations that were taken to be the visitation of the god. The drugs were sacred, and their knowledge was limited to the initiated… Possibly because they have the illusion of satisfied desires, and allowed the innermost feelings to escape, these rites acquired during their execution a frenzied character that is conspicuous in certain spells: “Retreat! Re is piercing thy head, slashing thy face, dividing thy head, crushing it in his hands; thy bones are shattered, thy limbs are cut to pieces!”

The counterculture that was foisted on the 1960s adolescent youth of America is not merely analogous to the ancient cult of Isis. It is a literal resurrection of the cult down to the popularization of the Isis cross (the “peace symbol” as the counterculture’s most frequently used symbol.

Drugs and brutal violence – does this sound like the ISIS movement in the Middle East? Again, why would a Muslim group use this name? Read more here: The Aquarian Conspiracy.

JFK Assassination Whistle blower speaks out

JFK Movie – Mr. X identified as as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy, Colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty.

Between 1946–49 he was assigned by the U.S. Army to Yale University, where he also taught, to begin the first USAF ROTC program. From 1950–52 he transferred to Colorado Springs to establish Air Defense Command. From 1952–54 he was assigned to Korean War duties in Japan where he served as Military Manager for Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) during the US Occupation.

From 1955–1964 he was assigned to U.S. Air Force Headquarters where he directed the creation of an Air Force worldwide system for "Military Support of the Clandestine Operations of the CIA", as required by a new National Security Council Directive, 5412 of March, 1954. As a result of a CIA Commendation for this work he was awarded the Legion of Merit by the US Air Force, and was promoted to Colonel being assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

With the creation of the Defense Intelligence Agency by Secretary McNamara and the abolishment of the OSO, he was transferred to the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to create a similar, worldwide office and was the Chief of Special Operations, with the Joint Staff all during 1962–1963. He received orders to travel as the Military Escort officer for a group of VIPs who were being flown to the South Pole, November 10–28, 1963, to activate a nuclear power plant for heat, light and sea water desalination at the United States Navy Base at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica.

Retiring as a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force in 1964 he was awarded one of the first three Joint Service Commendation Medals by General Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff.

tags: John F. Kennedy, JFK, assassination, plot, FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Whistle, Blower, inside, job, plot, dallas, prouty, colonel,

via ▶ JFK Assassination Whistle blower Identified. Read more info below. – YouTube.

10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop

Scripted Oddities Portray ISIS As “James Bond” of Terrorism
by Bernie Suarez at Activist Post

Has the ISIS psyop calmed down a bit? Before it dies out let’s examine some incredible ironies and oddities surrounding CIA’s ISIS. After all, the ISIS psyop deserves a thorough analysis from every angle, so I thought it appropriate to outline for the sake of humanity. Hopefully, humanity can use the ISIS psyop as a tool for the final or further awakening. It may be wishful thinking, but it is worth exposing every crack and corner of this psyop and let government know that we are not going for it this time.

I declare humanity too intuitive to buy into this psychological operation and hopefully I’m right. So while the core TV-watching, mainstream media-believing community drinks the government Kool Aid, let us get started by pointing out several glaring observations regarding the ISIS psyop.

Glancing ahead, the ISIS kids have knowledge of things that require you to have education, modern technical skills, a little bit of decency, structure, conformity to societal norms and somewhat transparent connection to the outside world. What are these things and what are some of the surreal oddities surrounding ISIS? Let’s examine:

Read more at Activist Post: 10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop.

Zionist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of White European ethnic societies

Zionist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of White European ethnic societies – YouTube.

What a bizarre attitude – so much arrogance, disrespect and hypocrisy. Better to go to Israel and teach multiculturalism, acceptance, non-judgment, forgiveness, tolerance, kindness, compassion, and humbleness THERE. Ethnocentricity is the most destructive notion in today’s world – it is stone age thinking. Correct the sleezy teaching that “brother” and “neighbor” apply only to one’s own tribe – for they apply to the entire human race. Delete the labels “chosen” and “goy”. Extend a huge, sincere apology to the people that have been harmed, all over the world. Those three things would go a long way to correcting the ills on planet Earth.

Light On Conspiracies with Ole Dammegard

Website of Ole Dammegård, author of Coup d’etat in Slow Motion

My name is Ole Dammegård, I’m a prize winning author, investigator, former journalist, etc. For more than 30 years I have worked very hard on solving the mystery behind the assassination of the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, something that has turned out to be a very dangerous task and has cost the lives of some dear friends.

Not only do I humbly believe that I’ve now managed to solve one of the centuries’ biggest murder mysteries, my extensive research has also revealed incredible links to other big political ‘events’ like the killing of JFK, John Lennon, Robert Kennedy, Che Guevara, Salvador Allende, Pablo Neruda and many others as well as the cold-blooded sinking of m/s Estonia, taking almost 1000 innocent lives.

I have made hundreds of international radio interviews on stations like Red Ice Creations, The People’s Voice, Project Camelot, No Lies Radio, and The Real Deal, etc, which has caused a tidal wave of international interest.

I am totally dedicated to revealing the New World Order’s agenda including False Flag-operations all over the world. It is important for me to point out that I am not here to spread fear by exposing the truth in whatever form it takes. My goal is to prevent the so called Global Elite from turning this beautiful world into a scary, controlled and fearful place. We all deserve so much better – it’s time to stop the madness.

See Ole’s books, videos, read articles on false flags, assassinations, chemtrails, and more… Light On Conspiracies with Ole Dammegard – learn the truth about the JFK-assassination, Operation 40, the Olof Palme-murder etc – award winning author, musician, artist, painter, raja yoga teacher, investigator.