Category Archives: Mind control

How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event – Jon Rappoport

How do they get away with it? Well, this article explains a lot about the difference between talking points, sound bites and investigative journalism, which seems to be a dying art in the USA. We get very shallow, controlled versions of events…

Traditional media are dying in this country. Their money is drying up. They could revitalize themselves in a New York minute if they really started COVERING stories and waking up their audience, but that’s not on their agenda. They would rather die.

They are the hired hands of the elites that own this country. They are the whores sent out every day by their pimps, and they know what their job is and what it isn’t.

The direction of elite television news is squeezed down the path of consciously constructing artificial events, for mass consumption experienced in a state of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual mind-control. Those reporters who venture outside that framework are labeled fringe figures on the margins.

“Lieutenant, excuse me. Hello. Brian Williams, NBC News. I was wondering: if there had been armed employees inside the school, what are the chances the killer could have been stopped before he shot all those children? You know, people who have been trained to shoot and have concealed carry permits. Strong people who could confront a murderer.”

Oh, people say, that is not a reasonable question. That’s a nutcase question. That question shouldn’t be asked. Why not? You want the real answer? Because it destroys the hypnotic frequency that is being delivered by the television networks. That’s the real answer.

The viewer: “Don’t bother me, I’m hypnotized. Don’t interrupt the frequency my brain is absorbing while I’m watching the news.”

Read more at How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event – Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

The breakdown of a moral society – The Kinsey Coverup

How do you ruin a pristine society of innocent people?

Well, you could hire “scientists” to research sexual perversion in all its forms and declare it to be normal, even desirable, preferable to natural sexuality. You teach med school students that the most sensuous skin on the human body – the foreskin – should be cut off of each and every child. Yes, they even used to circumcise little girls in the USA. (See The Rape of Innocence by Patricia Robinett.)

When you circumcise babies, they do not know what they have lost, so when they mature, they don’t know the difference between natural sex and altered sex. Because they have lost their natural sensuality, you can easily sell them on the “need” for lubrication, sex toys, exotic postures, sexual experimentation.

The Kinsey Coverup – YouTube.

Kinsey’s research was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. They must be very pleased with his work and the impact it has had on the world. Kinsey’s job, as he saw it, was to be a social engineer. He sold pedophilia, incest and homosexuality as “normal” to Americans. Much of his “research inspiration” came from the diaries of sexual criminals, but he was a “hands on” man, so he also tried everything he wrote about. The distortion of natural human sexual behaviors works well with the Satanic agenda.

In Kerth Barker’s book, Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism, he describes the purpose behind the push to make homosexuality acceptable:

They had me sit down on the floor with them. They were all still naked. Martin’s mom and dad explained to Martin and me that when we grew up we were both going to become gay men. This was an arranged gay marriage. We would live together and promote gay rights. His parents explained that there were too many people in the world and we were to promote homosexuality as a system of population control. They said all this in a matter-of-fact kind of way. I felt as if I were talking to people from another planet because they sounded so insane in their certainty that I would go along with all this.

Kinsey was instrumental in the breakdown of America’s sexual mores. To some he was a hero; to others he was simply a filthy old man.

What happened to human intelligence, common sense and morality?

How is it that Americans can learn “Thou shalt not kill” and then wage wars that kill millions of innocent civilians in faraway countries? We have been trained out of our “right brain” and it is where our moral compass resides. Who would want to do that to a population? See also All Wars are Bankers’ Wars by Michael Rivero.

Topics discussed include: What is a psychopath? What makes a psychopath? Can psychopaths be cured? Are psychopaths here for a reason? Indigenous societies and psychopaths, government, corporations and religion — the unholy trinity, the role of mainstream education and media in shaping society, the distortion and destruction of the feminine, superficiality of society and culture, false ideals of perfection, psychotherapy, psychology and the mass awakening of human consciousness.

via Consciousness Parasites and Psychopathic Society – YouTube.

How many covert ops can dance on the head of a pin?

by Jon Rappoport

These are notes on covert ops I’ve made over the years. They apply to any arena where deception is the name of the game.

Every covert op needs a cover story. That is, the public must be made to look in the wrong direction.

A cover story not only hides the identity of perpetrators, it also imparts the wrong meaning to the event being staged.

Example: a war is set in motion, in order to bankrupt several governments. But the public is told the war means: “protecting democracy.”

Major covert ops have more than one objective. A war will bankrupt governments; it will also result in a peace treaty that creates a larger cooperative structure than previously existed, spanning several nations—and the men who end up running that larger structure are the same men who triggered the war in the first place. They wind up with more control and power than they had before.

Covert ops of great size and importance must include the laying of false trails. Thus, in the wake of the op, investigators will find clues that lead them down roads that come, eventually, to alleys that dead-end against blank walls.

In the process, they discover perpetrators who weren’t really perpetrators. They discover motives that weren’t true motives. They pick up hints that were deposited like break crumbs to divert and mislead.

In case some element of the actual covert op is revealed, there is the limited hangout. This is a confession. It offers a mea culpa, but only concerning a relatively trivial factor.

“Yes, our agency did make mistakes, and those mistakes led to the loss of public funds. But we are taking steps to assure nothing like this ever happens again…”

And of course, in order to “take steps,” the agency needs a larger budget.


Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank

The “axis of evil” George Bush told us about after 9-11 was a list of those countries that did not have a centralized, Rothschild bank. See how the list has diminished after a few little invasions and genocides…

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” – Mrs. Gert Rothschild

So – who runs the world? Who are the warmongers?

Only 3 Countries Left Without a Rothschild Central Bank – YouTube.

Jon Rappaport on Conspiracy Queries

Ever wonder why, when someone comes up with an argument against the accepted official story or an invention that threatens corporate profits, they are maligned, lose their jobs, sometimes their freedom and even their lives?

Jon Rappaport ran into one of the “official media message setters” who told him how such messages are crafted, disseminated and made to seem “real” to the public at large.

A former freelancer with over 30 years experience writing on politics, health, media, culture and art for both mainstream and non mainstream publications, investigative reporter, Jon Rappaport eventually started

This is where he published the results of his investigations and eventually led Jon to the realization: Whoever runs this planet, manufactures reality for the population of the Earth. The process of constructing The Matrix, the elite players that play the game and how it’s built became the focus of Jon’s studies and his work The Matrix Revealed.

Jon was getting VERY high-level information on The Matrix. But this was the real Matrix. One source described it as follows: “Imagine a factory that turns out illusions. And these illusions are woven together to make up what we think the world is.”

Jon’s insider contacts have an extensive real knowledge of the propaganda conveying the depth of situations they were involved with in the high-end areas of finance, hypnotism, government, money, energy, the military, intelligence agencies, medicine, mega-corporations, psychology, mind control and science. Jon realized he was looking at evolving, global cartels. Jon’s work can help free one from the imposition of the Matrix, and have you functioning better despite it.

Listen to this interview at #48: Jon Rappaport- The Matrix Revealed – Conspiracy Queries with Alan Park – YouTube.