“The Rothschilds… stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved” – Lysander Spooner, 1870

From No Treason by Lysander Spooner, 1870

In Europe, the nominal rulers, the emperors and kings and parliaments, are anything but the real rulers of their respective countries. They are little or nothing else than mere tools, employed by the wealthy to rob, enslave, and if need be murder those who have less wealth, or none at all.

The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents – men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest – stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved.

They lend their money in this manner, knowing that it is to be expended in murdering their fellow men, for simply seeking their liberty and their rights; knowing also that neither the interest nor the principal will ever be paid, except as it will be extorted under terror of the repetition of such murders as those for which the money lent is to be expended.

These money-lenders, the Rothschilds, for example, say to themselves: If we lend a hundred millions sterling to the queen and parliament of England, it will enable them to murder twenty, fifty, or a hundred thousand people in England, Ireland, or India; and the terror inspired by such wholesale slaughter, will enable them to keep the whole people of those countries in subjection for twenty, or perhaps fifty, years to come; to control all their trade and industry; and to extort from them large amounts of money, under the name of taxes; and from the wealth thus extorted from them, they the queen and parliament can afford to pay us a higher rate of interest for our money than we can get in any other way. Or, if we lend this sum to the emperor of Austria, it will enable him to murder so many of his people as to strike terror into the rest, and thus enable him to keep them in subjection, and extort money from them, for twenty or fifty years to come. And they say the same in regard to the emperor of Russia, the king of Prussia, the emperor of France, or any other ruler, so called, who, in their judgment, will be able, by murdering a reasonable portion of his people, to keep the rest in subjection, and extort money from them, for a long time to come, to pay the interest and the principal of the money lent him…

Read much more at “The Rothschilds…stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved.” -Lysander Spooner, 1870 | InvestmentWatch.

The Complete History Of The ‘House Of Rothschild’

A tiny excerpt from a very long article which is well worth the time to read and consider. What horrid plans:

1865: Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.

1.  Gain control of America’s money system through the establishment of a central bank.

2.  Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the Illuminati and promote them into high places in the federal government, the Congress, Supreme Court, and all the federal agencies.

3.  Create minority group strife throughout the nations, particularly targeting the whites and blacks.

4.  Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the main target.

via The Complete History Of The 'House Of Rothschild' [Reedited] | Humans Are Free.

Kerth Barker: “10/29/63 satanic ritual prepped JFK killing – and I was there!”

Here is the link to an excellent interview of Kerth Barker by Dr. Kevin Barrett. On the left, between the title and the wide photo that says, “Truth Jihad”, is a “play” triangle. Press the triangle.

Kerth Barker: “10/29/63 satanic ritual prepped JFK killing – and I was there!” — on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio | NO LIES RADIO.

Canadian Inquiry reveals possible West Coast wing of Ninth Circle sacrificial cult – “Twelve Mile Club” involves top judges, clergy and politicians

Was the Ottawa shooting a “cover” for this breaking news?…



A former employee of the Holy Rosary Catholic Cathedral has revealed details of a west coast sacrificial cult involving the ritual rape and murder of children.

The cult, known as the Twelve Mile Club, operates from private yachts owned by Catholic businessmen and moored in West Vancouver. The abducted and tortured children are taken outside Canada’s twelve-mile territorial limit and their bodies are disposed of in the ocean.

The witness shared his evidence this week with a special ITCCS Inquiry formed in the wake of the exposure of Canadian government cabinet minister Denis Lebel’s participation in a Ninth Circle ritual killing of a young boy in Rome on February 22, 2014.

The witness attended meetings during 2007 and 2008 where former Archbishop Raymond Roussin and senior parish priest Glen Dion planned with church lawyers the coverup of their own involvement in the Twelve Mile Club.

According to the witness, the Archbishop and Glen Dion named judges and other clergy as being members of the Club, including former Chief Justice of the BC Provincial Court Hugh Stansfield, Justice William Esson and Terrance Warren of the British Columbia Supreme Court, United Church clergyman and present Moderator of that church, Gary Paterson, and national United Church officials Brian Thorpe and Jon Jessiman.

Chief Justice Hugh Stansfield died suddenly in May, 2009 after being named as a suspected child rapist.

Archbishop Roussin resigned his position suddenly in January, 2009 due to a “nervous breakdown”, according to the Vancouver Archdiocese. Referring to the Archbishop, the witness stated,

“At the last meeting I attended before he retired, that was in the spring of 2008, his Excellency was very worried about the protests at the Cathedral by the Indians and Kevin Annett’s group. He was afraid that all the reporters covering these protests would discover the Twelve Mile Club and all the children who had gone missing. It all became too much for him.”

Common law citizen arrest warrants were issued last year against three other alleged Twelve Mile Club members – United Church Moderator Gary Paterson and church officials Brian Thorpe and Jon Jessiman – for their role in concealing the trafficking and killing of children in their church’s Indian residential schools.

Asked about his knowledge of any connection between the Twelve Mile Club and the Ninth Circle cult, the witness stated to ITCCS officers,

“Being a francophone too, Archbishop Roussin was close friends with (Ninth Circle member) Archbishop Gerald Lacroix. They wrote a book together, they paired up during voting at the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops). You don’t get to become an Archbishop unless you know how to keep each other’s secrets. How much more of a connection do they need?”

The statements of other witnesses to the Twelve Mile Club and the abduction of children on Canada’s west coast will be forthcoming.

Read more at Canadian Inquiry reveals possible west coast wing of Ninth Circle sacrificial cult – “Twelve Mile Club” involves top judges, clergy and politicians | Welcome to ITCCS.ORG and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.

Sudden Human Predator Death Syndrome Spreads Panic in the Oligarchy

Nov 08, 2042

ddees monster death

The ranks of the privileged and powerful are experiencing unprecedented panic as an unexplained and highly deadly epidemic of Sudden Human Predator Death syndrome (SHPD) sweeps through the upper echelons of the glorious global oligarchy.

SHPD is a mysterious malady that, to date, has only stricken psychopaths in the highest ranks of the ruling elite…

Henry’s next stop was Saint Rockefeller’s Hospital for the Super Important, where he spoke with pandemic specialist Dr. Ima Noatall, who, upon inquiry, seemed to know next to nothing at all about why everyone who is anyone without a conscience is dropping like flies.

“SHPD is selectively striking psychopaths at the highest level of government, banking and industry," said Dr. Noatall, “God only knows what will become of the world if we lose one more member of the IMF or Trilateral Commission. The Council on Foreign Relations is holding steady on numbers, since most of them are just clueless intellectuals convinced they are saving the world through secret manipulation, but they’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off without marching orders from the top.”

“What is the source of this plague?” asked Henry.  “Is it a virus of some kind?”

“Unlikely,” scoffed Dr. Noatall, “death by virus is primarily an invention to sell pharmaceuticals, fear and tyranny to the masses.  It’s true that just about anything from a germ to a pin-prick can take someone down when the immune system reaches a certain critical level, but Globalords are hardly of the class that would be facing that kind of deprivation or intentionally orchestrated destruction.”

“Have you identified a cause of death?” Henry asked.

“Almost all have been identified as either sudden cardiac arrest, brain hemorrhage or burst aneurism,” said Dr. Noatall, speaking in a confidential whisper, as if afraid the walls had ears. “Most of the upper echelons have been evacuated to their emergency underground bunkers, but it hasn’t slowed down the SHPD, not in the slightest.  They’re dropping at the rate of about one every day.  They’re afraid of their own shadows.”

Dr. Noatall reports that the Globalords have eliminated nearly every doctor, body guard, cook, servant and intelligence operative on their teams in a frantic effort to identify the source of the SHPD, but the demise of the elite has continued unabated. The wealthiest and most important psychopaths in the world, most of whom have never so much as trimmed their own toenails, are doing their own laundry, preparing their own dinners and scrubbing their own toilets, afraid to let anyone near them until the source of the deadly pandemic has been identified…

“It’s a horrifying prospect,” said Dr. Noatall, “but the only other explanation we can think of is divine intervention, which has long been recognized as a fairy tale created by ancient Globalords to discourage popular uprisings.”

Read more at Sudden Human Predator Death Syndrome Spreads Panic in the Oligarchy.