Can “We the People” Save America from Destruction by World Zionists?

By Preston James

The problem “We the People” now face is essentially the same that was faced by our Founding Fathers when they were oppressed and tyrannized by King George and England. One major difference now however is that our leadership has been compromised, bought, blackmailed or murdered, leaving us without any George Washington, Ben Franklin, or John Adams type individuals…

But the core problem is the same, namely that America is under siege by the City of London World Zionists (WZs) just as before.

These Luciferian WZs are sheep-dipped as Banksters when they are actually inhuman demonic Beasts attempting to complete an age old Luciferian plan for world domination and death to all “Goyim” in order to install their Anti-Christ as King of the World.

Their goal for America? To infiltrate, hijack, asset strip and tyrannize Americans, just like before, which thanks to our Founding fathers and about 3% of the Colonists that fought along with them, failed. Only this time the WZ’s plans go even further, to destroy America forever and mass-murder up to 80% of “We the People” after using America to fight all its wars for Israel and expand its control over the whole world.

What exactly is the origin of the WZs and who are WZs?

Because World Zionism is a secret occult group based on Luciferianism it is difficult to obtain this information easily. Several insiders who have left it have claimed it is a strange combination of a merger between Babylonian Talmudism, the outright satanism of Aleister Crowley, Alice Bailey, the Rosicruceans, Freemasons and other such groups based on the secret teachings of Lucifer. Many Christians and Deists have claimed that Lucifer is a fallen chief angel and temporarily the god of this world who is determined to mass murder as many humans as possible because he was condemned by God Almighty for his rebellion…

If the WZ’s succeed in their take-down and Deconstruction of America, and they are close to it, Americans will become the New Palestinians and will be marked for abject tyranny from the Department of Homeland Security DHS, the internal police force and army of the World Zionists.

“If they succeed, up to 80% of all Americans will face removal to FEMA-type Internment Camps (many of which already exist) and eventual serial mass murder. As incredulous as this seems these Israeli-American Israeli-first dual citizens who serve as City of London World Zionist Cutouts are obsessed with murdering all American Goyim based on their Babylonian Talmudic teachings.”…

Can these “Enemies of the State inside the Gates of America” be stopped cold before they complete their obsession to destroy America and mass-murder most Americans on the City of London WZ’s behalf?

The answer can be yes, if Americans who know the truth about the WZ infiltration and hijacking of America and their use of Israel to do the 9/11/01 attack on America and start communicating this to their family, friends and associates.

“Truth is the ultimate antidote for WZ corruption and secrecy provides cover. The worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press and it is exposing the truth about Israel and World Zionism’s most serious and evil crimes against America and humanity. The Internet is exposing how Israel did 9/11 and has been blackmailing American leaders with nuclear blackmail.”

It is also exposing how the WZ’s formed a coalition with the Bush Crime Cabal as partners in the largest criminal syndicate in the world. Real Truth resonates with many Internet users and then spreads like wildfire at the speed of lightning. This alone can itself erode the evil power of the WZs and the BCC.

Open Source Public Intelligence is emerging spontaneously from the Internet and itself will erode the strength of World Zionism.

Read the entire, comprehensive article here: Can “We the People” Save America from Destruction by World Zionists? | Pakalert Press.

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