The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats – Nick Hanauer

Memo: From Nick Hanauer
To: My Fellow Zillionaires

You probably don’t know me, but like you I am one of those .01%ers, a proud and unapologetic capitalist. I have founded, co-founded and funded more than 30 companies across a range of industries—from itsy-bitsy ones like the night club I started in my 20s to giant ones like…

But let’s speak frankly to each other. I’m not the smartest guy you’ve ever met, or the hardest-working. I was a mediocre student. I’m not technical at all—I can’t write a word of code. What sets me apart, I think, is a tolerance for risk and an intuition about what will happen in the future. Seeing where things are headed is the essence of entrepreneurship. And what do I see in our future now?

I see pitchforks. Continue reading The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats – Nick Hanauer

MK Ultra Survivors’ Presidential Commission testimony

Satanic ritual abuse training (see Secret Societies > Survivors > Svali and see Kerth Barker’s book Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers – Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor) and MK Ultra appear to be very similar in content and tone…

So Louis West, who wanted to start this centre at UCLA, is on the board of FMSF and so is Martin Orne, a Harvard psychiatrist who has done contract work for the CIA in the past. And several other people who have those kinds of connections. They want to debunk this stuff right out of the box … forget it. This is the kind of stuff they want to debunk:

Claudia Mullen, client of Valerie Wolf, reports to the Presidential Commission: “Between the years of 1957 and 1984 I became a pawn in a government scheme whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy. All through the use of chemicals, radiation, electroshock, hypnosis, drugs, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, and verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life, and the only explanation given to me was that ‘the end justifies the means’ and I was serving my country in their bold effort to fight communism. I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused 7-year-old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief. In 1958 I was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called The Society [… that’s the Human Ecology Society, a known CIA front]. I was told to cooperate, answer any of their questions, then since the tests might hurt, I would be given shots, x-rays, and jolts of electricity. I was also instructed not to look in anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names, as this was a very secret project … but to be brave and all those things would help me forget. Naturally as most children do, I did the opposite, and remembered as much as I could. A Dr. John Gittinger [Rapaport: these people in the testimony named names, they did not screw around …] tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks, and Dr. Green, the xrays. Then I was told by Sid Gottlieb I was right for the Big A … meaning Artichoke.”

“By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane Medical School gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and fingers, and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already they had begun to control my mind. The next year I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms, Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb, Capt. George White and Morse Allen who all planned on filming as many high government and agency officials, and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible. So later, when the funding for radiation and mind control started to dwindle, then the project would continue at any cost [in other words, blackmail]. I was to become a regular little spy for them after that summer. Eventually trapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only nine years old when this kind of sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Martin Orne and Morse Allen ….”

Dr. John Gittinger was Sid Gottlieb’s protege … Gittinger tested everybody. He was like a fanatical tester, developing profiles of humans, different types of humans, all kinds of questionnaire type tests. Sid Gottlieb was the head of MKULTRA projects for the CIA … a very high ranking bureaucrat, probably never treated a patient in his life. These people (testifying) were saying that these people were doing it … they were not supervising it alone, they were doing it. Dr. Green seems to be a name that is a cover name that many different people used. However there was a Dr. L. Wilson Green, Technical Director of US Army Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Centre … so we could have both things happening there. Richard Helms became director of the CIA … a real smooth operator. He was the person who destroyed many MKULTRA files before they could be revealed. Capt. George White made a statement to the effect of “nowhere else but in the CIA could a young, red-blood ed American rape, pillage and plunder without … accountability” Continue reading MK Ultra Survivors’ Presidential Commission testimony

How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event – Jon Rappoport

How do they get away with it? Well, this article explains a lot about the difference between talking points, sound bites and investigative journalism, which seems to be a dying art in the USA. We get very shallow, controlled versions of events…

Traditional media are dying in this country. Their money is drying up. They could revitalize themselves in a New York minute if they really started COVERING stories and waking up their audience, but that’s not on their agenda. They would rather die.

They are the hired hands of the elites that own this country. They are the whores sent out every day by their pimps, and they know what their job is and what it isn’t.

The direction of elite television news is squeezed down the path of consciously constructing artificial events, for mass consumption experienced in a state of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual mind-control. Those reporters who venture outside that framework are labeled fringe figures on the margins.

“Lieutenant, excuse me. Hello. Brian Williams, NBC News. I was wondering: if there had been armed employees inside the school, what are the chances the killer could have been stopped before he shot all those children? You know, people who have been trained to shoot and have concealed carry permits. Strong people who could confront a murderer.”

Oh, people say, that is not a reasonable question. That’s a nutcase question. That question shouldn’t be asked. Why not? You want the real answer? Because it destroys the hypnotic frequency that is being delivered by the television networks. That’s the real answer.

The viewer: “Don’t bother me, I’m hypnotized. Don’t interrupt the frequency my brain is absorbing while I’m watching the news.”

Read more at How the Newtown massacre became a Mind-Control television event – Jon Rappoport’s Blog.

Narcissism . Narcissistic Behavior.

Different definitions

Some define narcissism as a mild form of narcissistic personality disorder. Some say narcissism occurs as a spectrum with narcissistic personality disorder at the most severe end.

And others talk about pathological narcissism with psychopaths being the worst, malignant narcissists next and narcissistic personality disorder the mildest.

If you have suffered at the hands of a narcissist, you will know that the categorization is the least of your problems!

Words used to define narcissism

The following have been used to define someone with a narcissistic disorder:

self-centered, egotistical, arrogant, superior, demanding, grandiose, manipulative, liar, selfish, power-hungry, greedy, emotional vampires, sneaky, deceitful, wants to be center of attention, huge sense of entitlement, fascinated with themselves, vain, smug, excessive self-love, risk-takers, need to be admired, zero tolerance of criticism, cocky, impulsive, obsessed with self, ambitious, aggressive, temperamental, dominating, full of rage, conceited, childish, wants instant gratification, ruthless, cruel, sadistic and a complete lack of empathy.

 Self-centered/Lack of empathy

The two things to keep in mind are the obsession with themselves and the lack of empathy. This is a deadly combination.

These creatures do not feel guilt, remorse, upset, pity or embarrassment. And they put themselves first, always.

Even if they seem to be doing something for you, it is usually to manipulate you into believing the persona they are presenting to you. However, once they have you suckered in, the ‘nice guy’ disappears and they stop doing things for you. It all changes.

It becomes all about them. Their needs, their desires, their wishes, their ego. Continue reading Narcissism . Narcissistic Behavior.

Narcissistic behavior. Symptoms of narcissism.

Narcissism is very close to psychopathology…

Development in childhood

Narcissistic behavior usually begins in childhood although a diagnosis is not made until adulthood. Psychiatrists are reluctant to label children and prefer to wait until the picture is very clear in adulthood.

In some ways this is unfortunate because parents can go through hell with antisocial narcissistic children trying various treatments which typically fail until it dawns on them years later what’s actually going on.

(Acquired situational narcissism differs in that it starts later in life)

Narcissistic behavior is designed to influence and modify the decision making of their victims so that the victims become dependent on the narcissist and give the narcissist whatever he or she wants: usually everything!

Two important factors

Narcissistic behavior can be more easily understood if you think of it as a combination of two things: selfishness and lack of empathy. Continue reading Narcissistic behavior. Symptoms of narcissism.

Illuminati in the US – CFR

According to the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of the conspiracy to take over the world and create a world government. The leaders of this group, as well as the leaders of the nation, are all members of the Illuminati and play integral roles in the groups’ mission. The Council was founded in 1921 by President Woodrow Wilson’s chief advisor, Edward Mandell House. He allegedly wielded a great deal of power during the Wilson Administration and as a Marxist, he hoped to create a socialist society in the United States.

The CFR allegedly was created by House and his associates to destroy freedom and independence in the United States. Key financing for the Council came from the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations in the 1920s, and in the 1940s, Roosevelt invited CFR members to take over important positions in the State Department. They allegedly have retained domination during the past 60 years.

Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown University and a member of the CFR, claimed in his book “Tragedy & Hope”:

“The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.”

Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR for 16 years, explained:

“The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common — they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government.” Continue reading Illuminati in the US – CFR

History of the Illuminati

The Illuminati trace their origins back thousands of years to their conception as a result of the genetic inbreeding between a reptilian extraterrestrial race and humanity. Their modern origin, however, traces back to the 1760s and a man named Adam Weishaupt, who defected from the Catholic church and organized the Illuminati, financed by the International Bankers. Since then, according to the Illuminati, their top goal has been to achieve a “one world government” and to subjugate all religions and governments in the process. The Illuminati thus attribute all wars since the French Revolution as having been fomented by them in their pursuit of their goals.

Weishaupt wrote out a master plan in the 1770s outlining the Illuminati’s goals, finishing on May 1, 1776. According to the Illuminati, this great day is still commemorated by Communist nations in the form of May Day. At the time Weishaupt’s ideology was first introduced, Britain and France were the two greatest world powers, and so the Illuminati claimed credit for having kindled the Revolutionary War in order to weaken the British Empire and the French Revolution to destroy the French Empire.

In the 1780s, the Bavarian Government found out about the Illuminati’s subversive activities, forcing the Illuminati to disband and go underground.  For the next few decades, the Illuminati operated under various names and guises, still in active pursuit of their ultimate goal. According to the Illuminati, the Napoleonic Wars were a direct result of Illuminati intervention, and were intended to weaken the governments of Europe. One of the results of these wars was the “Congress of Vienna”, supposedly brought about by the Illuminati who there attempted to form a one world government in the form of a “League of Nations.” However, Russia held out and the league of nations was not formed, causing great animosity towards the Russian government on the part of the Illuminati.


The Illuminati contend that they have achieved control over the world’s economy by controlling the International Bankers in their effort to create a one world government

Their short-term plan foiled, the Illuminati adopted a different strategy. The Illuminati say that they achieved control over the European economy through the International Bankers and directed the composition of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and its anti-thesis written by Karl Ritter in order to use the differences between the two ideologies to enable them to “divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.”

Under new leadership by an American general named Albert Pike, the Illuminati worked out a blueprint for three world wars throughout the 20th century that would lead to a one world government by the end of the 20th century. According to the Illuminati, the First World War was fought to destroy Czarism in Russia (the Illuminati had held a grudge against the Czarist regime since Russia had thwarted its plans for a one world government after the Napoleonic Wars) and to establish Russia as a stronghold of Communism.

Likewise, the Illuminati claim that the Second World War pitted the Fascists against the “political Zionists” so as to build up International Communism until it equaled in strength that of the United Christendom. According to Illuminati plans, the Third World War, which is to be fought between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world, will drain the international community to the extent that they will have no choice but to form a one world government. 

See more at – History of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati Cult

The Illuminati are an international group whose primary goal is the control of the entire world under a one world government. Members of the Illuminati trace their origins back a reptilian extraterrestrial race that interbred with humanity many thousands of years ago. They believe that their "center of power" is in the lower fourth dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the traditional home for the ‘demons’ of folklore and myth. These fourth dimensional reptilian entities work through these hybrid bloodlines because they have a vibrational compatibility with each other.

The Illuminati contend that most European and American rulers have been members of this alien breed, and thus they have been controlling the world for centuries. All major events in human history over the last couple of centuries are, according to the Illuminati, results of attempts to achieve their one world government in which all are subjugated by the Illuminati elite. In addition to an obsession with interbreeding with each other to preserve the alien genetic structure, they are also obsessed with ritual, cold blooded behavior, territorialism, and top down hierarchical structures.

The Illuminati tactic is to divide and conquer by supplying arms and money to both sides and instigating people to fight and kill each other in order to be able to achieve their objectives. They foster the terrorism of atomic warfare and deliberately cause world famine. In pursuit of their primary goal of a one world government, they plan to destroy all religions and governments in the process. They project that the Illuminati’s rise to power and world domination will begin at midnight on New Year’s Eve 1999 when Lucifer comes to provide direction for his disciples and inaugurate the "New Age." An occult Millennial celebration to mark the beginning of the Illuminati world take-over will occur at the Great Pyramid in Giza, in ironic conjunction with a public celebration being planned for the Pyramids on December 31, 1999.

Read more at – The Illuminati.