John Todd – The Illuminati and Witchcraft

John Todd (Lance Collins a witch of the Collins bloodline), answered directly to the Rothschilds. He said that the Rockefellers were in charge of the Illuminati in the USA. Listen to the audios… Read the transcripts… He has had extensive experience with the Illuminati and delivers a wealth of information to his audience. He began speaking out after he “hit bottom” and discovered that prayers were more powerful than spells.

THE ONLY THING THE ILLUMINATI FEAR, AS I SAID, IS AN INDEPENDENT PERSON who can live, eat, sleep, stay warm & defend themselves separate from Federal help. 

Audios and transcripts of John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft: Part I and Part II.

Jay Parker: How 34 million Satanic/Illuminati Americans keep Earth in turmoil

Jay Parker: How 34 million Satanic/Illuminati Americans keep Earth in turmoil – YouTube.

In this compelling indepth interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Jay Parker, who was born into a multi-generational Satanic/ Illuminati family and received Monarch trauma-based mind-control as a child, discusses

(1) Satanic/Illuminati control of U.S. and world society and religions;

(2) His personal life experiences being brought up in a Satanic/ Illuminati family; and

(3) Inter-dimensional (Luciferic/ Satanic) or extraterrestrial forces that interact with/control the Satanic/ Illuminati power structure.

See also

The JFK satanic ritual – Kerth Barker

‘History’? what happened to ‘our story’? Or is “his story”, “their story”, and we haven’t a clue of the forces operating behind the scenes – and how they ‘bond’?

Well, this 8-minute video is a clue.

JFK, MLK, RFK, 9-11 & much much more… still secret after all these years? What are they hiding? Whose security is it they are protecting? Not yours! Not mine! I want transparency – how about you?

They are manipulating us all – individually and societally. They control us by implanting suggestions into our minds with tv, movies, school, religion, by pulling the strings of industry, media, governments and economics. They teach us that authority is not to be questioned. Hospital births and circumcision are hints of the powerlessness to come.

They push us into accepting wars and all sorts of things that profit them and destroy us. they are sick, sick puppies. very sick and very rich.

“They” are our common enemy, folks, no matter who we are or where we are. They love blood, they eat flesh, and they wish ill on everyone who is not in lock step with their agenda. they are very well organized, as this video reveals. however, not all is lost…

When we allows our minds to rest, to be still, to remember who and what we truly are – not their version of us, but the original, true vision of ourselves – then we begin to see that we’ve been taken down a silly, winding, twisted garden path ( that was perfectly done after finding the right landscape company) that leads to nowhere – and once we are clear, we can choose to take a different direction, one to freedom and peace of mind.

See a longer version of this video that includes ways to use our loving psychic energy to counter occult influences. Needed especially tomorrow, as it is the 13th anniversary of 9-11.

See more books and videos at the AngelicDefenders site.