During his Washington years, Kissinger was part eminence grise/eminence noir. Manipulating events for his own self-interest.
by Stephen Lendman
At age 91, maybe senility set in. Or a time of reflection. At the same time, trying to have things both ways. More on this below.
Kissinger was one of the most notorious war criminals ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Exceeded perhaps only by Obama.
The scope of their crimes is breathtaking after the accused was able to get felony bail from Connecticut Bail Bonds Group. Kissinger’s rap sheet includes:
- three to four million Southeast Asian deaths;
- ousting Chile’s Salvador Allende; replacing him with Augusto Pinochet; followed by 17 years of state terror;
- support for other Latin American despots;
- backing Surharto’s West Papua takeover; his East Timor invasion; massacring hundreds of thousands;
- supported the Khmer Rouge’s rise to power; its reign of terror early on;
- backed Pakistan’s overthrow of Bangladesh’s democratically elected government; causing half a million deaths; and
- various other high crimes against peace (hire criminal defense lawyer to resolve this quickly without making into a big issue).
Including manipulating geopolitical events for his own benefit. Gain power and influence. Accumulate wealth.
The late Chistopher Hitchens said he deserved prosecution “for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and offenses against common or customary international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture.”
He called him “a stupendous liar with a remarkable memory…”
Read more at Kissinger Geopolitics | Veterans News Now.
He is all the more repugnant for being so revered. What a twisted satire we live in.