Category Archives: Rothschild

Israel belongs to the Rothschilds

Israel belongs to the Rothschilds – YouTube.

The Rothschilds Own Israel – and Direct its Genocidal Policy

The Rothschilds own 80% of Israel, according to Simon Schama. They built the Israeli Supreme Court. They own Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest media agencies in the world. They have a controlling share in the Royal Dutch oil company, the Bank of England and the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association). They foment wars, install presidents, dethrone kings and bankrupt nations, such is their power.

The Rothschilds typically operate behind the scenes. In the case of Israel, the Rothschilds engineered WWI and waited until 1917 when Britain was in trouble. The Rothschilds then promised the British Government that they could get the US to enter WWI (on the side of Britain) and thus ensure Britain’s victory of Germany et al. However, they wanted something in return: Palestine. Thus the Balfour Declaration was created, which is an official letter from the British Government Foreign Secretary James Balfour to Baron Rothschild. It states that: ” His Majesty’s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.”

There is a big problem with this. Palestine was never Britain’s to give away… Zionist Israel controls the governments of the US, Britain, Canada, France and more – and the Rothschilds control Israel.

Excerpt from

The real story of “The Rothschild Dynasty” by Dr. John Coleman

In The Rothschild Dynasty, Dr. John Coleman, also author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the”Red Shield”dynasty acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant and pawnbroker, working out of a small house on Judenstrasse, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, where he lived with his wife and family.

The events attributed to history are often caused by a “hidden hand” pulling the strings of kings, princes and potentates from behind the scenes. The phenomena is explained and the legends that have grown up around the Rothschilds are demolished by this book that also reveals the Rothschild’s intriguing that brought down men like Napoleon and Tsar Alexander II of Russia. Legends has it that Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s “genius and financial skills” were inherited by his sons, but the truth is quite a different story, as Dr. Coleman makes very clear in this well documented account that goes far beyond the best known legends cloaking the true character of the family.

Exactly how Mayer Amschel Rothschild “stuck it lucky” and the steps he took that brought the family from obscurity to “virtual rulers of all Europe,” makes fascinating reading. This outstanding book is not only about the past, it is also about the present and the future. It will help to explain many of the events that perplex the ordinary people like the war in Iraq and the war threats against Iran…

Free download of this book at

Who rules the world?

Excerpt from Who Rules the World?

(Carlo Vogels is not a native English-speaking person, so please read his works with your kind, insightful, grateful ear.)

Novels are fiction, but they describe sometimes a dangerous truth. Many former government officials write their experience, and call it fiction, like chief counter-terrorism adviser Richard Clarke in his book The Scorpion’s Gate (2005). Clarke said,

Sometimes you can tell more truth through fiction.

By classifying books as fiction, government official prevent their books from checks and delays by the secret service. This is also the reason that fiction books sometimes are banned by governments – for political reasons.

In the early 1840s Benjamin Disraeli had become close friends with Lord Rothschild. In 1844 he wrote a political novel Coningsby. One of the characters in this novel was Sidonia, who was based on Lord Rothschild. Sidonia said,

Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.

Further, Disraeli wrote:

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

Benjamin Disraeli himself was Prime Minister in the UK in 1868 and between 1874-1880.

I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.
~ Nathan Mayer Rothschild

Also many Rothschild family members have made similar statements as Amschel Mayer Rothschild:

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.
~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife Gutle Schnaper

But if governments do not really govern, who does?

Read much more at War of the Words – A study of real history – deception & world conquest by Carlo Vogels, as well as Vogels’ entire collection at

The Truth Behind The Rothschild Family: World’s Only Trillionaires

Today we’re going to point our skeptical eye at the famous Rothschild banking family, and the multitudinous conspiracy theories surrounding them. Just about every conspiracy theory website that presumes the world’s governments act in willing concert under the guidance of some secret council points the finger at the Rothschilds. We’re going to take a modern-day look at this mysterious family, see who they really are and what they really do, and see exactly what evidence there is that shows that they are actually directing world affairs. Why would superpowers such as the United States, Russia, and China willing give up their sovereignty, conducting wars and exerting control over markets according to instructions from above? The answer, according to the believers, is money.

Axis of Evil

“Axis of Evil” means “a country with no Rothschild central bank”

If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.
~ Mama Rothschild
In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild-owned central bank. These are the countries George W. Bush included in his “Axis of Evil” speech:
  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran

In 2003, after Afghanistan and Iraq had been taken down, there were five countries without a Rothschild-owned central bank:

  • Sudan
  • Libya
  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran

Sudan and Libya were taken down and then the only countries without a Rothschild-owned central bank were:

  • Cuba
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Hungary –  kicked the Rothschild banks out of the country

More on Rothschild banks:
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War = Profit

War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

Politicians have been starting wars in behalf of their masters, the powerful elite families that profit from all aspects of war. History exposes this truth, and it must be exposed today as these practices are still ongoing.

The Rothschilds and the two world wars

Interview of Eustace Mullins by Jeff Rense, December 26, 2007

“The Rothschilds” “the controllers” “International Banking Cartels Financed the World Wars” “The Cause for World War I in 1914” “Propaganda Explanations” “Economic Rivalry between Great Britain and Germany” “Federal Reserve Act 1913” “Principle Job of a Central Bank is War Finance” “Woodrow Wilson” “Zionist International Banking Interests” “League of Nations” “Woodrow Wilson’s protegee Franklin Delano Roosevelt” Versailles “Bernard Baruch” “The Rise of Adolf Hitler” “Hitler was financed by the Jewish Zionist bankers Warburg and Oppenheimer” “General Patman” “Less than 5% of the German military men were members of Hitler’s National Socialist party” “The Dulles Brothers” “French African troups” “The German Zionist newspaper” “Zionist Adolf Eichmann was Hitler’s personal representative in the Middle East” “Rudolf Hess” “The Soviet Union was financed by the American government” Israel “Averell Harriman was complete dictator of Russia from 1942 to 1944 after Stalin’s breakdown” “Yalta Conference” “Eastern Europe given to Stalin” “Zionist plans for Europe in 1944” “Special Rothschild Cover Up Organization: Hoover Institution of War, Peace and Revolution” “Stanford University” “Condoleezza Rice” “Secretary of State” “The History of the Hoover Institution is in Eustace Mullins’ The World Order” “Ezra Pound’s Radio Speeches” “Alger Hiss” “Charles Lindbergh” “Hitler seized the property of the Rothschilds in Austria” “Hitler kind of got out of control” Holocaust “American fighter pilots” “Zyklon B” “Jewish Labour Camps” “Atomic Bombing of Japan” “Harry Truman” “Inside Job” “World Zionism sacrified the Jewish people to the horrors of the concentration camps” “the State of Israel” “Ten questions to the Zionists by Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl” “Neturei Karta”