Cheryl Hersha, author of “Secret Weapons”

If you want to learn a great deal about the mind-control programs that many young Americans have been exposed to, including these two female authors, go to the kindle offering at, choose “Look Inside” then read the “Beginning” section… Very educational.

The programme into which Cheryl was inducted combined all the different ways the intelligence community had learned could cause intense psychological change in adults and children. It had been learned through the use of both knowledgeable and ‘unwitting’ volunteers. They were subjected to sensory overload, isolation, drugs and hypnosis, all used on bodies that had been weakened from mild hunger. The horror of the programme was that it would be like having an elementary school sex education class conducted by a paedophile rapist. It would have been banned had the American government signed the Helsinki Accords. But, of course, they hadn’t.
For the test that day and in those that followed, Cheryl Hersha was positioned so she faced a portable movie screen. A 16mm movie projector was on a platform, along with several reels of film. Each was a short pornographic film meant to make her aware of sexuality in a variety of forms…
Cheryl Hersha, Secret Weapons: How Two Sisters Were Brainwashed To Kill For Their Country

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3 thoughts on “Cheryl Hersha, author of “Secret Weapons””

  1. I need to share with Cheryl what Trumps is being used for. Please watch The Trump Card of Walter Veith as well as Come together and we all fall down, Walter Veith. Please.

    1. Sorry, but I don’t know anything more about Cheryl than what I posted on my website. Please do an internet search if you would like to find her. Many of these survivors are not open to communication, tho, since the naughty ones might find them. ???

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