Category Archives: Power

The Rulers of This World – Their Secret Signs & Symbols

A most interesting history, from Pharoahs to the modern NWO. Where did the red, white and blue come from? How are all world leaders related to one another? Many interesting details in this video.

Source: The Rulers Of This World And Their Secret Signs & Symbols

Hillary Clinton’s very scary astrological chart

This chart contains many indications of interest in the occult, drugs, kinky sex, an impulsive, violent temperament, a need to dominate and control, a tendency to self-destruct – and much more.

This video answers the question many ask, “Why is Hillary SO angry?” Please watch, “like”, subscribe and tell your friends.

Global Elitism: The Character Traits Of Truly Evil People

destruction of the world by octopus

The first dangerous mistake the average person makes is the assumption that “evil” is a kind of subjective or “gray” concept.  We would love to believe that all destructive and malicious behavior is merely a product of bad environment, bad upbringing, or mental psychosis.  Deviance in the name of misguided “profit” or “status” is often more acceptable to the public; as long as there is a reason we can easily understand and grasp.  What frightens the average American today is not the abhorrent action of criminality; rather, it is criminality without easily definable reason.  What frightens the common citizen is the possibility that some people hurt others not because mommy and daddy “mistreated” them, or because they have a psychological deficiency that clouds their judgment, but because they fully and consciously ENJOY doing what they do.  Our society is desperate to make excuses for the monsters of our era, perhaps because we would rather not entertain the possibility that there is a dark side to humanity as a whole, that if left unchecked, could take control in a deliberate and calculated way.

This is why the greatest crimes of our time often go ignored by the public.  The idea, for instance, that international financiers and political elites would purposely create economic disparity, social chaos, and global war out of a desire for centralized power and a disturbed sense of superiority is simply too much for many to handle.  Surely, these terrible events throughout our modern history are merely the result of random coincidence and human error…right?

Unfortunately, this is not the case.   In fact, the majority of catastrophic cultural policies and tragedies can be traced directly back to a particular subset of people, who use their positions of influence for ill purpose, and knowingly engineer calamity not just for personal gain, but the gain of their “social class”…

And more at Global Elitism: The Character Traits Of Truly Evil People

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

See also


Debt Cancellation is the Best Way to Take Down Bilderberg

funny 2 dollar

senior ch 7 bankruptcy lawyers has shared that let us turn their currency to toast so their wealth has no validity in the world… simply shift currency away from theirs to a new, neutral currency that no one can ‘own’. Do not even value gold, for it is only a metal, a material substance that sets man against man and nation against nation. Make their wealth worth NOTHING and their power will descend into NOTHINGNESS. If they can no longer pay servants to do their dastardly deeds, then the “loyal” will desert them. Also, if the world’s wealth was evenly distributed among all citizens of spaceship Earth, then there would be no advantage to good people to serve anyone else and no one would suffer the curse of need or greed. “I really need another oil well or gold mine or castle or poppy field!” reveals the true basis for wars, while nothing is more valuable more than life itself. Even the “elite” would begs for yet another breath if their own lives were threatened. Their strength lies in their wealth, and money is just a game they themselves invented to make themselves kings and all others, their slaves.

The Bilderberg Society will be meeting from June 11th to the 14th at the Interalpen hotel near the Austrian town of Telfs. It will follow the G-7 Summit at the Elmau castle in the Bavarian Alps on June 7th and 8th. The two sites are less than an hour’s drive away. The photo below would indicate that demonstrations outside the 2015 Bilderberg meeting will not be successful. But what good are demonstrations anyway? Why not use Worldwide Debt Cancellation to defeat the Bilderberg Society and undo their power over us?

Read more at Debt Cancellation Is The Best Way To Take Down Bilderberg | Video Rebel’s Blog.

The Complete History Of The ‘House Of Rothschild’

A tiny excerpt from a very long article which is well worth the time to read and consider. What horrid plans:

1865: Following a brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.

1.  Gain control of America’s money system through the establishment of a central bank.

2.  Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the Illuminati and promote them into high places in the federal government, the Congress, Supreme Court, and all the federal agencies.

3.  Create minority group strife throughout the nations, particularly targeting the whites and blacks.

4.  Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the main target.

via The Complete History Of The 'House Of Rothschild' [Reedited] | Humans Are Free.

The Netherworld Oligarchy – Who is Your Government Really Serving?

Business strategy concept

Message to the military:

Before serving your country, first learn who your government is serving.

The New World Order is exactly that – it is the same old ‘order’ in the new world. The new world is still contracted to the same old formulation of regimentation, which is achieved by the same violent means of enforced order and patriarchal authority, the same old formulation of the status quo, and the same old oligarchy, instituted in the new petrolithic and nuclear age by the progressive merging of commerce and state.

The only difference now is that there are “new and improved” modes and destructive war, resource and media technologies being used to enforce the rule of the oligarchy. There are new tools and new names. The ‘order’ is packaged in a new sleek design, with new bells and whistles, but at its core, it is the same war-minded pyramid system, controlled by those the system benefits the most. Those “authorities” at the top of the pyramid claim to act for the betterment of mankind, and yet they always seem to get the better of mankind…

Read the entire article at The Netherworld Oligarchy – Who is Your Government Really Serving? | Wake Up World.