Category Archives: JFK

The Secret Satanic Elite – NWO

This video tells many secrets, so many secrets that its maker remains anonymous.  “History Repeats Itself” introduces the video with this : The new world order is not a conspiracy, it has started and it is real! In this anonymous documentary about the new world order secret illuminati elite You will find out about their satanic rituals, secret society locations, new world order habbits. Enjoy this anonymous documentary about the new world order, the secret satanic elite.

New eBook – America’s Tragic Coup D’ Etat Exposed!

America’s Tragic Coup D’ Etat Exposed!

eBook (PDF), 350 Pages

Price: $4.95
(1 Ratings)
America's Tragic Coup D' Etat Exposed!

53 years ago the Mafia and America’s corrupt government murdered President Kennedy. In this explosive new book I prove these dark forces did in fact assassinate President Kennedy on 11/22/1963. This 351 page book has over 100 photographs and countless links insuring you will be convinced Harvey Oswald was what he claimed and that was he was in fact just a patsy. This fascinating new book hopefully will force our fascist government to, release all the countless documents their hiding under NATIONAL SECURITY before the 2039 deadline they now cling to…WAKE UP!

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

See also


Lee Harvey Oswald Proven Innocent, Victim Of CIA Plot, Worked For RFK

Fascinating article. For more information along this line, read Dr. Mary’s Monkey and Me & Lee. The world is very different than we are led to believe. Suspend your prejudices and dig in to this very meaty article… rich food for the curious soul.

Not only did Oswald have nothing to do with the assassination of John Kennedy, he was actually working to uncover different assassination angles for Robert F. Kennedy. After becoming aware of the Chicago assassination plan, Oswald phoned in a tip to the FBI warning JFK not to travel to Chicago on November 2, 1963. Kennedy’s inner circle then used a pretext to cancel his visit to Chicago, thus postponing his murder by another group of assassins utilizing high powered rifles…

Read more: Lee Harvey Oswald Proven Innocent, Victim Of CIA Plot, Worked For RFK.

Kerth Barker: “10/29/63 satanic ritual prepped JFK killing – and I was there!”

Here is the link to an excellent interview of Kerth Barker by Dr. Kevin Barrett. On the left, between the title and the wide photo that says, “Truth Jihad”, is a “play” triangle. Press the triangle.

Kerth Barker: “10/29/63 satanic ritual prepped JFK killing – and I was there!” — on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio | NO LIES RADIO.

Warren Commission Report: High Level Coverup Of JFK Assassination?

Special Report in Observance of the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination — Nov. 22, 2013

The assassination of John F.Kennedy arouses more controversy and skepticism among Americans than any other event of the last century. His death before the end of his term in office was a blow to the hopes and aspirations of many. JFK’s appeal was truly multi-generational which is why his death is hotly debated to this very day. He was not only a World War II hero, he inspired many with his writings in PROFILES IN COURAGE.

The Warren Commission Report (WCR) is the most questioned and doubted of all Congressional inquiries of the 20th century. There are so many obvious shortcomings and questionable conclusions contained in this report that it was destined to create many more doubts than sound answers. Because there are so many contested facts, it is now believed by many that a highly coordinated coverup took place at the highest levels of government.

“Single-bullet theory” undercut the credibility of the Warren Commission Report

The single greatest problem with the WCR was the advancement of the “Single-bullet theory”. This theory posited the notion that the same bullet struck both President Kennedy and Governor John B. Connally of Texas. The governor himself, an eye-witness and victim in the presidential limousine, insisted that he was struck by a different bullet than those that hit Kennedy…

by Michael Thomas – Read more at Warren Commission Report: High Level Coverup Of JFK Assassination?.

The JFK satanic ritual – Kerth Barker

‘History’? what happened to ‘our story’? Or is “his story”, “their story”, and we haven’t a clue of the forces operating behind the scenes – and how they ‘bond’?

Well, this 8-minute video is a clue.

JFK, MLK, RFK, 9-11 & much much more… still secret after all these years? What are they hiding? Whose security is it they are protecting? Not yours! Not mine! I want transparency – how about you?

They are manipulating us all – individually and societally. They control us by implanting suggestions into our minds with tv, movies, school, religion, by pulling the strings of industry, media, governments and economics. They teach us that authority is not to be questioned. Hospital births and circumcision are hints of the powerlessness to come.

They push us into accepting wars and all sorts of things that profit them and destroy us. they are sick, sick puppies. very sick and very rich.

“They” are our common enemy, folks, no matter who we are or where we are. They love blood, they eat flesh, and they wish ill on everyone who is not in lock step with their agenda. they are very well organized, as this video reveals. however, not all is lost…

When we allows our minds to rest, to be still, to remember who and what we truly are – not their version of us, but the original, true vision of ourselves – then we begin to see that we’ve been taken down a silly, winding, twisted garden path ( that was perfectly done after finding the right landscape company) that leads to nowhere – and once we are clear, we can choose to take a different direction, one to freedom and peace of mind.

See a longer version of this video that includes ways to use our loving psychic energy to counter occult influences. Needed especially tomorrow, as it is the 13th anniversary of 9-11.

See more books and videos at the AngelicDefenders site.