New eBook – America’s Tragic Coup D’ Etat Exposed!

America’s Tragic Coup D’ Etat Exposed!

eBook (PDF), 350 Pages

Price: $4.95
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America's Tragic Coup D' Etat Exposed!

53 years ago the Mafia and America’s corrupt government murdered President Kennedy. In this explosive new book I prove these dark forces did in fact assassinate President Kennedy on 11/22/1963. This 351 page book has over 100 photographs and countless links insuring you will be convinced Harvey Oswald was what he claimed and that was he was in fact just a patsy. This fascinating new book hopefully will force our fascist government to, release all the countless documents their hiding under NATIONAL SECURITY before the 2039 deadline they now cling to…WAKE UP!

The 5 Biggest Threats To Humanity Exposed

david rockefeller freak show

With attention squarely focused on the criminality of politicians, particularly that of the US presidential candidates, it’s easy to overlook the people really responsible for all this chaos. Much of the US’ political landscape for over a hundred years, and arguably long before, has been controlled by a small minority of wealthy families and individuals with a specific agenda. Through political and economic machinations over the years, these groups and their minions have funded both sides of wars and profited from them. They own the corporations who pollute our planet and exploit us all. They own the banks which make us slaves to imaginary debt. They own the politicians and police forces that are meant to serve us, yet they seek to undermine us and our “democracy” at every turn. Regardless of where you live, the following people are working against all of us, seeking only to procure still more power and influence and control every aspect of our lives. It’s about time we learned their names.

Read the full article, naming names with photographs at

Hillary Clinton’s very scary astrological chart

This chart contains many indications of interest in the occult, drugs, kinky sex, an impulsive, violent temperament, a need to dominate and control, a tendency to self-destruct – and much more.

This video answers the question many ask, “Why is Hillary SO angry?” Please watch, “like”, subscribe and tell your friends.