Category Archives: Real history

ILLUMINATI: The Cult That Hijacked The World by Henry Makow

DIALOGUE: How to Confront a Narcissistic Super Power?

FreeMasonry is Judaism for Gentiles and we talk about Zionism and Multiculturalism and how they relate together.

Henry Makow wrote the book, ILLUMINATI: The Cult That Hijacked The World and says that “The Worst Anti-Semites are Zionists” and that “Israel is a hoax, Zionism is a hoax being perpetrated upon the Jewish people.”

You could say that Israel is the International Banking Cartel’s private army, private secret service, and private nuclear arsenal and the Zionists throughout the world are their foot soldiers. The real purpose of Zionism is to advance the agenda of this International Banking Cartel which is world tyranny.

Zionist Jews are being compromised and used as agents by this secret agenda that they don’t understand. We have to think in terms of the structure of a secret society and Judiasm is a secret society where the foot soldiers or the rank-and-file are not told the overall agenda but are only given idealistic platitudes in order to manipulate them into advancing this agenda but they don’t know what the agenda is and many of them if they did know what the agenda was would object to it.

The power of these Kabbalist Jews are magnified many times because they’ve taken over most Gentile institutions, nations, religions, etc. through Freemasonry so they have coopted the whole non-Jewish world as well.

The Kabbalist Bankers use Jews as human shields and even sponsor the conflation of their agenda with all Jews in order to protect themselves and change the subject from one of economic tyranny to one of race hate. They even promote anti-semitic propaganda.

ILLUMINATI: The Cult That Hijacked The World by Henry Makow – YouTube.

Devastating the world, one nation at a time

Bankers have perfected a profitable pattern of taking over countries and their wealth, using a team of talented public relations people, compromised local government officials, the UN, NATO and USA military. The “Axis of Evil” was a list of countries that did not have a central Rothschild bank and wished to handle their oil wealth in currencies other than dollars. Bankers are now working to take more countries down as quickly as possible, especially in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Apparently Russia is in their crosshairs as well, as they are vilifying Russia on a daily basis.

Debt, death, destruction, bribery, threats, blackmail, poverty, propaganda, pitting people against another, outright lying, rewriting history,  torture, arranging suicides among their own employees, murder, war. Bankers are well organized and have figured out how to take down the world, one nation  – or maybe two or three or four – at a time. This is gangster behavior on a big scale. Here we have the sad story of what used to be known as Yugoslavia.

The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca (2010) – YouTube.

Boris Malagurski’s award-winning Canadian film The Weight of Chains, dealing with the breakup of Yugoslavia from a different angle… If you thought you knew why Yugoslavia broke up, get ready for 2 hours of shocking facts that will shed a different light on Western intervention in the Balkans… Malagurski will expose the root causes of the Yugoslav wars and explain that the goal was for the West to create economic and geopolitical colonies in that part of the world.

Who’s in the film? Everyone from former “Economic Hitman” John Perkins, Retired Major General of the UN Army Lewis Mackenzie, Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky, Canadian journalist Scott Taylor, former Canadian Ambassador to Yugoslavia James Bissett, humanitarian Vlade Divac and the list goes on! Please donate towards the next film that Boris Malagurski is working on: The Weight of Chains 2, which will continue the story where the first film ends! Watch the trailer and donate now at:


Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve.

What is the Federal Reserve system? How did it come into existence? Is it part of the federal government? How does it create money? Why is the public kept in the dark about these important matters? In this feature-length documentary film, The Corbett Report explores these important question and pulls back the curtain on America’s central bank.

Transcript can be read here:

History of Monsanto, one of the world’s most evil corporations

Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of death, atop a mountain of rotting corpses, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people.

Complete history of Monsanto, one of the world's most evil corporations

As true champions of evil, they won’t stop until…well, until they’re stopped! But what is Monsanto and how did they get to be so obscenely evil in the first place? I think that’s the best place to start this journey, so grab a few non-GMO snacks or beverages and let’s go for a ride into the deep, murky sewers of their dark past.

See more and read more at Thinking Humanity: Complete history of Monsanto, one of the world’s most evil corporations.

History of the Illuminati

The Illuminati trace their origins back thousands of years to their conception as a result of the genetic inbreeding between a reptilian extraterrestrial race and humanity. Their modern origin, however, traces back to the 1760s and a man named Adam Weishaupt, who defected from the Catholic church and organized the Illuminati, financed by the International Bankers. Since then, according to the Illuminati, their top goal has been to achieve a “one world government” and to subjugate all religions and governments in the process. The Illuminati thus attribute all wars since the French Revolution as having been fomented by them in their pursuit of their goals.

Weishaupt wrote out a master plan in the 1770s outlining the Illuminati’s goals, finishing on May 1, 1776. According to the Illuminati, this great day is still commemorated by Communist nations in the form of May Day. At the time Weishaupt’s ideology was first introduced, Britain and France were the two greatest world powers, and so the Illuminati claimed credit for having kindled the Revolutionary War in order to weaken the British Empire and the French Revolution to destroy the French Empire.

In the 1780s, the Bavarian Government found out about the Illuminati’s subversive activities, forcing the Illuminati to disband and go underground.  For the next few decades, the Illuminati operated under various names and guises, still in active pursuit of their ultimate goal. According to the Illuminati, the Napoleonic Wars were a direct result of Illuminati intervention, and were intended to weaken the governments of Europe. One of the results of these wars was the “Congress of Vienna”, supposedly brought about by the Illuminati who there attempted to form a one world government in the form of a “League of Nations.” However, Russia held out and the league of nations was not formed, causing great animosity towards the Russian government on the part of the Illuminati.


The Illuminati contend that they have achieved control over the world’s economy by controlling the International Bankers in their effort to create a one world government

Their short-term plan foiled, the Illuminati adopted a different strategy. The Illuminati say that they achieved control over the European economy through the International Bankers and directed the composition of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and its anti-thesis written by Karl Ritter in order to use the differences between the two ideologies to enable them to “divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.”

Under new leadership by an American general named Albert Pike, the Illuminati worked out a blueprint for three world wars throughout the 20th century that would lead to a one world government by the end of the 20th century. According to the Illuminati, the First World War was fought to destroy Czarism in Russia (the Illuminati had held a grudge against the Czarist regime since Russia had thwarted its plans for a one world government after the Napoleonic Wars) and to establish Russia as a stronghold of Communism.

Likewise, the Illuminati claim that the Second World War pitted the Fascists against the “political Zionists” so as to build up International Communism until it equaled in strength that of the United Christendom. According to Illuminati plans, the Third World War, which is to be fought between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world, will drain the international community to the extent that they will have no choice but to form a one world government. 

See more at – History of the Illuminati.

Kerth Barker – Two new books reveal secrets of Illuminati power

Kerth Barker has written two important new books that are selling nationally and internationally. See the table of contents and an excerpt from each book:

Angelic Defenders & Demonic Abusers –
Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor

Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High-Adept Satanism



Throughout history, records have been made, all over the world, of demons and demonic possession. Did that influence ever go away? Or is it still active and strong and influencing our world in ways that we do not understand? And have there always been some who do whatever they can to make certain the human race is possessed by demons still?

Mythology says that common folk bow and serve royalty and that those who rule, even those who rule cruelly, do so by divine right – ” the divine right of kings”. Do some still claim that “right” and is it “divine” or is it due to their dependence on demonic intervention?

Who can attribute the lowering of morals, values and standards in the U.S. and its involvement in bloody wars all over the world to mere mortal mischief? When things don’t make sense, it’s time to dig deeper.

Kerth’s books provide insight into the minds and workings of the people who run things in governments, media, religions, businesses, medicine, schools, the police and military… every aspect of life on planet Earth. Without the depth of understanding that Kerth’s books provide, things are unlikely to make sense or to change for the better. With this understanding, 99+% of the people in the world would call a halt to the horrors.

Until you understand the level of degradation that these people practice in their everyday lives and the attitudes they hold about you and me, our children and everything we hold dear, you will wear a huge question mark in your forehead. Once you understand the depravity they believe in and practice, it will all make perfect sense why they laugh at us. Human trafficking, pornography, prostitution – both of adults and children – the poisoning of the air, water animals, plants, even our bloodstreams… it all makes sense, once all the facts are in.

How do they work it out so that they are in control of the media, the military, the economy, the halls of justice, congress, the presidency, the educational system, and so on? Read this book and you will understand how very tightly controlled and controlling they are.

The real story of “The Rothschild Dynasty” by Dr. John Coleman

In The Rothschild Dynasty, Dr. John Coleman, also author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the”Red Shield”dynasty acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant and pawnbroker, working out of a small house on Judenstrasse, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, where he lived with his wife and family.

The events attributed to history are often caused by a “hidden hand” pulling the strings of kings, princes and potentates from behind the scenes. The phenomena is explained and the legends that have grown up around the Rothschilds are demolished by this book that also reveals the Rothschild’s intriguing that brought down men like Napoleon and Tsar Alexander II of Russia. Legends has it that Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s “genius and financial skills” were inherited by his sons, but the truth is quite a different story, as Dr. Coleman makes very clear in this well documented account that goes far beyond the best known legends cloaking the true character of the family.

Exactly how Mayer Amschel Rothschild “stuck it lucky” and the steps he took that brought the family from obscurity to “virtual rulers of all Europe,” makes fascinating reading. This outstanding book is not only about the past, it is also about the present and the future. It will help to explain many of the events that perplex the ordinary people like the war in Iraq and the war threats against Iran…

Free download of this book at

Humanity is Satanically Possessed

Humanity is Satanically Possessed.


A Satanic cult has colonized the earth.
This is the key to understanding
history and avoiding the pitfalls of modern “cult–ure.”

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

If you wish to escape the ravages of modern life, understand that mankind is satanically possessed. We are being inducted into the lowest ranks of a satanic cult, the Illuminati.

I am not speaking from a Christian or Biblical perspective. I am from a secular background. The difference is that I recognize, in secular terms, that God is the magnificent moral and natural order governing the universe.

The prevalent Illuminist denial of God is a satanic rebellion that ultimately cannot be won.

Our satanic possession is the product of a highly organized long-term conspiracy to establish a “New World Order” based on a Luciferian revolution against God and nature.

Today, the cancer has spread to all social institutions, public and private, including charities and the church. As a result, humanity has fallen into a coma, hardly able to recognize the sickness, let alone resist.

As I have said, the mainspring of this diabolical conspiracy is the Cabalist (Illuminati) dynastic families who own the world’s central banks. Their control of most large corporations, especially media, and consequently politicians ensures that their cancer is all pervasive…


The masses are in denial. Corruption and sexual abuse (e.g. Gerry Sandusky) abound but no one mentions Freemasonry. The legal system and police are compromised.

Read more at: