Quotes about the Protocols of Zion

“The presumption is strong that the Protocols were issued, or reissued, at the First Zionist Congress held at Basle (Switzerland) in 1897 under the presidency of the Father of Modern Zionism, the late Theodore Herzl.”
– Victor E. Marsden, who translated into English The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which Sergyei Nilus published in Russia in 1905

“About a year ago a representative of the [U.S.] Department of Justice submitted to me a copy of the manuscript of The Jewish Peril by Professor [Sergei] Nilus, and asked for my opinion of the work. He said that the manuscript was a translation of a Russian book published in 1905 which was later suppressed. The manuscript was supposed to contain ‘protocols’ of the Wise Men of Zion and was supposed to have been read by Dr. Herzl at a secret conference of the Zionist Congress at Basle. He expressed the opinion that the work was probably that of Dr. Theodor Herzl… He said that some American Senators who had seen the manuscript were amazed to find that so many years ago a scheme had been elaborated by the Jews which is now being carried out, and that Bolshevism had been planned years ago by Jews who sought to destroy the world.”
– Herman Bernstein, American Hebrew, June 25, 1920

“Whosoever was the mind that conceived [The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion] possessed a knowledge of human nature, of history and of statecraft which is dazzling in its brilliant completeness, and terrible in the objects to which it turns its powers. Neither a madman nor an intentional criminal, but more likely a super-mind mastered by devotion to a people and a faith could be the author, if indeed one mind alone conceived them. It is too terribly real for fiction, too well sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery.”
– Dearborn Independent, July 10, 1920

“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.”
– Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament]

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
– Maurice Samuels in his book You Gentiles

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